Friday, January 29, 2010

I must apologize to the few viewers I have for the 0 updates yesterday - our internet at work was acting weird and wouldn't let me post.

Submitted for your approval by Andrew.  Added fees?  No thanks.  I don't care how our state compares to other states in energy usage.  This whole thing seems like a bad joke or idea.  The government needs to stop doing stupid things.

Apple Ipad....Is the Iphone without a phone, or a camera.  Ever wanted to own a giant version of the iphone, but didn't want the annoying phone OR camera feature?  Here's your chance.. buy the IPAD for $499.... apple, you prove more useless everyday.  Or go with a netbook for 200-300.. that includes over 130 gb more of HD space.  My rating for the Ipad - F.

Italy Opens First transgender Prison  I didn't even know this would be an issue... anywhere.  At least it's in Italy... begs me to ask the question though - why are we doing special requests.. for criminals?

One bad deicision.. mistake? Or a foreshadow of things to come?  So our antagonist in this e-drama is a 17 year old girl.  To recap the story quick - 17 year old girl gets drunk, drives, hits stone wall, passenger/boyfriend dies.  Pleads guilty to a crime, would have gotten probation, if before her sentencing trial she didnt post pictures of her getting "Drunk in florida"... to which the judge saw as a pattern of behavior, sentenced her to 6 months in jail and 5 years probation.  Terrible. F.


Andrew said...

If you're the ruler of your own universe, then who could you possible have to apologize to?

-CF said...

Adding to your 'F' rating, here's a cool idea ... maybe they could condense the Ipad so that it fits in your pocket. Wait, wait, they already have that, it's called an I-phone. Oh well.