Monday, February 01, 2010

captains log star date 2-1-10

Egypt a pretty cool slideshow... Egypt interests me... so it should interest you too... but cool slide show even if you aren't a egyptologist.

Illegal to view the superbowl on a tv that's larger than 55 inches? Yes.. and no.  Wow the NFL is kinda weird with its policies.. however in your own home it's fine.. interesting to note.. they used to go after church gatherings if the tv was larger than 55 inches and it was played at the church.. they have stopped that practice.. for now.

I would just about do anything for the ball that walks on water...  "The 12 most insane things you can buy on the internet".. and I must say after reading this.. I want about.. 7 of them.  Ball on water, and super speed / jump thingys are on the top of my list...

 Watch this to laugh hard... hahaha Ohhh man.  How do they come up with this stuff?

1 comment:

Andrew said...

I can has updates?